·2025.01至今 南京财经大学 工商管理pg电子官网入口 副教授
·2020.09-2024.12 南京财经大学 工商管理pg电子官网入口 讲师,创新与创业研究中心主任
·He L, Zheng J, Zhao M, et al. Mapping pathways to responsible innovation: Configurations of digital economy, effectuation, and firm size in SMEs—A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis[J].Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 209: 123778.
·He L, Zheng L J, Sharma P, et al. Entrepreneurship education and established business activities: An international perspective[J].International Journal of Management Education, 2024, 22(1): 100922.
·He L, Li T. How entrepreneurial implementation intention moves toward subsequent actions: affordable loss and environmental uncertainty[J]. Chinese Management Studies, 2024, 18(3): 734-754.
·Liangxing He, Huihui Li, Yuli Zhang. A Dual Mediation Model between Entrepreneurial Intention and Subsequent Actions: Loss Aversion and Affordable Loss[J]. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2023, 1-25.
·He L,Zheng L J, Wu Y, et al. The effect of experienced R&D teams on producing unique products: analysis of 140 small and medium-sized high-Tech start-ups in China[J].Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,2021, 33(8): 871-884.
·Yan J, Lian Y,He L(Correspondning). Perceived ambidextrous leadership and nurses’ mental health: a work-family perspective[J]. BMC nursing, 2024, 23(1): 504.
·Stephen Xu Zhang, Jiaoyao Chen,Liangxing He(Correspondning), et al. Responsible Innovation: The development and validation of a scale[J].Technovation, 2023, 124:102754.
·Song, Z.,He, L (Corresponding),Zhang, Y. (2017). How do entrepreneurs learn from critical events? A case study of critical event learning. Chinese Management Studies, 11(4), 778-796.
·Zhang, S. X., Choudhury, A., &He, L. Responsible Innovation: The development and validation of a scale.Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2019 No.1, AOM Best paper
·何良兴.从创业意愿到行为投入差异:基于损失厌恶和不确定性的解释.北京:经济科学出版社, 2022.
·何良兴,张玉利.创业意愿与创业行为:研究述评与展望.外国经济与管理, 2022, 44(5): 64-78.
·何良兴,张玉利.创业意愿与行为:舒适区和可承担损失视角的清晰集定性比较分析.科学学与科学技术管理, 2020, 41(8): 26-42.
·何良兴,张玉利.失败恐惧与创业抉择关系研究:宽容氛围与创业精神的视角.研究与发展管理,2020, 32(2): 94-105.
·2019.08,79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Best paper, Boston, Massachusetts
·2016.09第十一届(2016)中国管理学年会 最佳论文奖
·Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,Chinese Management Studies,科学学与科学技术管理,管理学报,外国经济与管理匿名审稿
· 英文或数学水平较好
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